I remember that time in my career when my confidence was at an all time low.

It was after I’d lost my job for the 2nd time in 6 months. It came at the end of what I can honestly say was the worst experience of my professional life.

After a really short break in between jobs (I’m talking a matter of days here), my next opportunity literally landed in my lap. Someone in my network knew I was back on the job market and brought what she thought was the perfect opportunity right to me.

Even though I wasn’t totally ready to get back into it, I entertained the opportunity, met with the hiring team, interviewed with the head of the department, and had a meet & greet with the crew that would eventually become my direct reports.

Could I do this job? Yes. Did they need my experience to take the team where they wanted it to go? Sure did.

But, here’s the thing. There were so many signs, flags, flashing red lights that this wasn’t the right gig for me. It didn’t feel right. But I ignored that feeling and signed the offer letter anyway.

Big mistake. My instincts were right (always are).

Even though I was doing good work, I left each day feeling defeated. Like I could never please them. Like I’d never be accepted. Like I was the source of all their problems, even though I’d just started and the problems existed long before me.

I worked really hard to get them to like me and see the value of the results I was creating each day. But the harder I worked, the worse I felt. Being in that environment slowly chipped away at my confidence until the day they decided I wasn’t the right fit. Then, I was left to pull the pieces back together.

Fast forward to today.

Now, my belief in my capability as a Coach is something I protect fiercely. I know, that I know, that I know, that I’m a boss lady at what I do.

I’m confident that I can transform the way my clients see themselves. I know that the kind of perspective shifts I guide them through draws new career opportunities to them like a magnet. I’m confident that I can teach them how to brand themselves with such clarity & precision that they can get any opportunity they want.

This, I know this to my core.

This belief doesn’t mean I’m closed to feedback, improving, or striving to be better. Just the opposite actually.

Because the foundation of my confidence is so solid, I can be completely open to someone else’s input. I listen to their opinions, but it doesn’t shake me because at the end of the day I choose. I decide what resonates, feels right, and what I want to take action on. The rest I leave behind & keep it moving.

The difference between where I was just a few years ago and where I am today is that my confidence comes from me. It’s based on what I know to be true about myself.

That’s the real message I’m sharing with you with today.

If you’re looking outside of yourself for the confidence to make your next career move, you’ll forever be looking. Your confidence about your potential comes from you. It comes from what you believe to be true about yourself. And most of the time, we put more emphasis on what other people think versus what we believe to be true.

So, the surefire way to boost your confidence? Shift your perspective about yourself.

Start by asking yourself these questions.

** What do I believe to be true about myself?
** What have I accomplished?
** What results have I led and created?
** Who have I impacted through your work?
** What has made me successful in my career?

Get real about what you’ve done. Put on a new pair of glasses. See the full story, not just the part that says believes everything they say.

And remember, we need outside perspectives to learn & be better professionals and people. But, also see your truth and let that be the boost you need to launch forward into the best version of your career that you’ve ever had.

With confident kindness,

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