You did it!
You landed the job you wanted.
You’re excited to start doing work you love, make a meaningful impact as a new employee, and create a memorable first impression with your new boss.
From here, one of the most important steps you can take to create the change and positive impression you want, is to transition your professional brand from job seeker to new employee.
Professional branding is all about being clear on who you are, the value you bring, the results you create, and the values that are most important to you.
The best qualities you let shine during the interview process are what wowed the hiring manager and landed you this brilliant role.
That version of YOU is the one your new manager fell in love with and sold internally to land you the position – they want more of that!
Which means, all you need to do is keep the ball rolling with that best version of you and call the shots on how you represent yourself as a new employee.
These 3 steps will lead you in the right direction:
1. Refresh your brand.
2. Be deliberate & intentional about how you show up.
3. Be visible. Let people see, experience, and get to know you.
In the first 90 days as a new employee, each of these three steps will set you up to present yourself in the best light AND stay true to who you are, beyond the interview process.
First, you want to refresh your brand.
Remember the level of care you put in to get the job?
** You took the time to define your brand.
** Mapped out your accomplishements.
** Practiced how you’d articulate them in interviews.
** Polished up your resume.
** Redesigned your LinkedIn profile to perfection.
** You even put in effort to look your best.
All of this because you wanted to let your best self take centre stage. That’s the level of care you want to carry into your first 90 days, and beyond.
You can do this by asking yourself – now that I’m here and know what I know about the culture, my boss, and myself – how am I going to show up?
Take the time to write down your answers. This will allow you to stay in alignment with who you are with your new employee status.
It’s easy to get caught up in office politics, kitchen gossip, and the not-so-great side of corporate life, but you can make a different choice. Make it your intention to elevate above that.
If your brand is not to be a gossiper, then don’t gossip.
If your brand is to be a meaningful relationship-builder, then focus on adding value and investing in growing your most important office relationships.
You get to choose what you’re known for.
Be deliberate & intentional about how you show up.
It’s all about being intentional and deliberate with your choices so you stay on point with your new employee brand. That will get your work noticed and bring the meaningful satisfaction you want.
And keep in mind, you don’t need to be perfect or never make a mistake.
This idea of “perfection” came up recently with a client who started in a new job and was worried about her reputation. She felt like she had to be someone she wasn’t and like there was zero room for error.
Through the work we did together, she started to see that being her true self was exactly what she needed to do to achieve her goals.
And when she “made a mistake”, she could own up to it, course correct, and develop a brand based on authenticity, honesty, and integrity.
Be visible.
It’s not about never messing up (you’re human!). It’s about understanding who you are and how you want to handle your mistakes.
Let people see who you are. That’s the most genuine way to build your brand in a lasting way. People will be drawn to you and what you have to say.
See every interaction as an opportunity to develop trust, build rapport, and invest in relationships. At the end of the day, work gets done through people so this will always serve you well.
The most important thing you can do in your first 90-days of your new job is Go Slow to Go Fast.
Take your time in the beginning, be intentional, focus on real connections, observe, and learn how things work (rather than jumping in and pushing buttons right away).
This will help you build the foundation of trust you need to accomplish things quickly, once you’ve developed a solid reputation in your company.
I know you have a million ideas and a ton of drive, but be patient! By letting your brand shine early on, you’re building the road that will allow you to sprint and create the huge impact you know you can, in the months & years to come.
Did you hear??
I made something special for you! It is my new FREE career guide, Get Promoted Playbook!
Learn the 10 strategies you can use to help position yourself for a promotion, even if playing politics isn’t your thing. Go to and grab your copy today!
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Cindy Harvey is a Leadership Coach and Founder of Amelia Dee, a career strategy company for women. She has coached hundreds of clients on leveraging the power of energy & mindset to create success at work as well as designing a magnetic professional brand to make their next career move a breeze.
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