Okay girlfriend. It’s time.
Time to move beyond thinking about, or researching, or pining away for the kind of career that fuels, fulfills and inspires you every day.
It’s time to stop considering that change and GO FOR IT.
This is an invitation to be honest with yourself
right here, right now.
Really check in with yourself for a minute.
Because we both know that when it comes to having a deep career transformation, your soul checked the “hell YES!” box many moons ago.
You’re ready to be the woman who goes for it—to be the woman who has the kind of deeply satisfying and fulfilling career that you’ve been wanting for so long.
You’re ready…
*** To work on high impact projects that totally light you up
*** To lead a team of rockstars who value your genius
*** To end each day with a smile on your face as you head out, excited to share the latest and greatest with your besties over dinner.
Now, today, in this moment, you can decide to be the woman who does whatever it takes to make that happen.
Guess what? I can tell you’re ready.
All you have to do is trust yourself and have faith in your own instincts.
Maybe that’s been hard to do. I get that.
But today you can choose to be willing. Willing to have a little more trust and a little more faith because deep down you believe what I KNOW is true—that each and every one of us has the power to create our own destiny.
Anything we want, we can have.
And we don’t have to settle.
You know, deep down, you deserve more. I know, for real, it’s yours to claim.
I’m here to remind you that it’s okay to have higher standards. You don’t need permission to want and have more, even if things are pretty good right now.
You don’t have to be in a crappy job for it to be okay to want something different.
It’s okay if others might envy the role or the title or the money that you have now.
It’s okay if your parents are so, so proud of what you do.
Your today career can look “perfect” to someone else and it’s still okay for you to want more satisfaction or fulfillment or money in your tomorrow career.
You get to have that.
And guess what… if you’re reading this, it’s because you’re not afraid to admit this anymore.
Slowly, the fears of the past are fading.
There was a time when you might’ve been afraid to make the wrong career decision—afraid of taking a risk only to find yourself worse off than you are now, or terrified of making a move that sets you back several years after working so damn hard to be where you are today.
But you’re not afraid of that anymore.
You’ve decided to trust your heart and your intuition.
You just know that the change you’re after is possible and it’s the right move for you.
Yes, you may be stepping into uncertainty, but it’s with a spirit of adventure and faith in yourself—not doubt.
Finally, you can sense that no matter what happens, good or bad, happens in the name of growth, and learning, and expansion.
Finally, you feel the truth that you have just one life to live.
It’s not just a quote on instagram anymore.
That’s why you’re ready to be the woman who goes for her biggest, boldest goals.
You may not know exactly how to get there, but you also know that you don’t have to figure this out on your own.
In fact, sorting this out on your own is just no longer an option. Figuring it out solo is why you don’t have it yet.
It’s not a question of having the desire: the desire’s there.
This change can happen: it’s just a question of how.
And figuring it out on your own isn’t going to get you there.
Really, your decision to be the woman who goes for it is really the decision to understand that the power is alwaysin your hands.
You get to decide that the time is now.
You get to decide that you’re moving forward.
You get to remember that all the choices and decisions you’ve made so far are exactly what led you to where you are now.
And really, even though it’s not where you want to stay forever, you get to appreciate that you know how to succeed!
All you need to create what you want next in your career are some new tools, some new knowledge, some new insights, some new ways of thinking in your toolbox…and a whole lot of loving accountability.
And FYI, I LOVE to bring accountability to the party. It’s my JAM!
Once you have those things you can easily create a new level of success.
And it would be my honour to be your guide.
So, let’s GO FOR IT. Together.
Book your Career Discovery Call TODAY and let’s talk about the programs that will serve your transformation best.
I’m inviting you, welcoming YOU, to link arms with a supportive inner circle of high-performing women who are just like you.
With my support they’re going for it, just like you, and we don’t want you to go it alone.
To your highest success,
Cindy Harvey is a Career Strategy Coach and CEO & Founder of Amelia Dee, a career strategy company for women. Cindy helps corporate career women unlock their mindset, build their brand, and learn how to land the job the want (and deserve!) next.
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