The truth about becoming an influential leader

People always ask me, Cindy, how do I start?

Where do I go next? I have so much more potential to live up to. I have so much more to give. I’m meant to be a leader and to blaze shiny trails along the way. 

Here’s the truth about getting started. 

At any given moment you must choose to step up, play a bigger game…or not. There’s no half steppin. No in between. No almost. No maybe tomorrow. 

My fave intergalactic guru said it best….Do. Or do not. There is no try.  ~ Jedi Master Yoda (Now, I’m not really a Star Wars fan, but I love me some Yoda.)

It’s a reminder to commit myself to rising up completely and fully, whether I win or lose AND without proof or evidence that it will work the way I imagine it to. 

Step up. Commit. Now. Today. 

There’s a magical power and strength that gets unleashed when you decide to commit and take expansive action from that place.

It is about pulling out a piece of you that hasn’t been fully expressed yet. 

The part of you that you envision but who hasn’t really come to life just yet. The game changing, magnetic, shiny, baaaaaad mama jama version of YOU.

And to be super clear…

You’re not trying to be someone else or faking it until you make it. 

You’re being the version of you who has already hit the mark you see for yourself in the future. There’s a part of you on the inside who already is that leader. 

Is that scary? 

Does it take energy? 

Does it take effort? 

Yes, yes, yes. 

But what’s scarier? 

Stepping up today and living the beautiful life you always imagined for yourself? 

Or getting to the end of your life and realizing that you never took a chance?

Your choice. Always is. Always has been.

I say, why not give it a shot? The time will pass anyway. Might as well ride a rainbow coloured unicorn all the way to the top. And for anyone who doesn’t like my unicorn.


Give yourself permission to believe in the unseen. 

That’s where the magic happens. 

Believe in your own inner magic. And I’ll gladly share some of my unicorn fairy dust with you to give you that extra bit of je ne sais quoi.

But if not, that’s cool. Let me have a hell of a time on my ride. You do your thang and I’ll be over here doing mine. We’ll both end up exactly where we believe we can go. Weeeeeeee!

See you on the inside.

Peace, love, and unicorns.  ✌️💓 🦄

Cindy xo



Did you hear?? 

I made something special for you! It is my new FREE career guide, Get Promoted Playbook!

Learn the 10 strategies you can use to help position yourself for a promotion, even if playing politics isn’t your thing. Go to and grab your copy today!

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Cindy Harvey is a Leadership Coach and Founder of Amelia Dee, a career strategy company for women. She has coached hundreds of clients on leveraging the power of energy & mindset to create success at work as well as designing a magnetic professional brand to make their next career move a breeze.


© 2020 Amelia Dee Consulting, All Rights Reserved

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