FACT: You only have 6 seconds to stand out.

Yup, that’s right. A recruiter can quickly scan your resume and if she doesn’t see what she needs to see quickly, to the ‘no’ pile you go. It happens in a matter of seconds. Keep in mind that recruiters are looking at resumes all day. They talk to candidates all the time. And, they know what they want.

Your job is to use your resume to show the recruiter that the qualifications they’re looking for are exactly what you have to offer.

When you’re in job search mode, your resume is the first impression your next employer has of you. That’s why it’s one of the most important tools you need to land the next role on your career path.

Your resume has to be SO compelling, that the hiring manager can’t help but put the offer in your hands.

So, how does one create this magical, unicorn-of-a-resume?

The secret is to start with a professional brand that sells you with clarity, confidence, and of course, lands you interviews for the job you want next.

Once your brand is mapped out, you’ve got to build the mechanics of a resume in a way that brings your brand to life on paper.

In my program, Irresistible Resume Bootcamp™ (<–now open for enrolment!!), I teach the step-by-step way to do just that – showcase your professional brand on paper so that interviews land in your lap with ease.

I’ll share an overview of three of the steps that I teach in depth in the program.

Step 1:

Choose a Job Posting That is a Solid Match for You

Get clear on what the next step on your career path will be.

Take stock of where you are in your career today. What’s working well? What could be going better? What would you stop doing altogether if you could? What do you wish you could do more of?

Write it all down and use this a your guide for where you’ll choose to take your career next.

And then, look at the experience required in the posting and match it to yours. How many years of experience are they asking for? Do they want experience in a particular industry? How about knowledge of systems and tools?

The job posting tells you exactly what they’re looking for. It’s all right there. Study it and get the information you need to position yourself well.

Step 2:

Show Them Why You’re the Candidate They Need to Hire

Once you know the requirements of your target job, use that to articulate how your experience, accomplishments, and successes make you the candidate they just have to have.

Start by creating a list of your biggest and most impactful professional accomplishments. Write down 5 career highlights and match them to the job requirements you uncovered in Step 1.

Using your list, create a compelling mini-story about why you’re the best candidate for the job. Showcase how you’ve added value in the past and why you’ll be able to do it again.

The key is to tie your past accomplishments to the role you’re applying for. That’s how you demonstrate your brand, show your value, and get the job.

Step 3:

Use Numbers & Metrics to Highlight Your Results

Know your numbers.

Thinking about your current role, how is your performance measured? How do you know that you’re exceeding expectations?

The metrics, data, and stats used to assess your performance, help recruiters and hiring managers to see the impact you’ve made. Results matter. They signal to whoever is reading your resume (and judging your candidacy) that your work made a real impact on your boss, team, and organization.

For example, you can say that you “wrote press releases” but saying that you “wrote 5-7 press releases per week and sent them up to 100 relevant media outlets” is more impressive.

The best numbers are those that show your achievements and that have directly impacted the company’s time, money, or people.

To use the press release example one step further, you can say, that you “wrote 5-7 press releases per week and sent them to 100 relevant media outlets leading to over 30 mentions every month.” It becomes clear that your efforts are effective and impactful.

Your professional brand shows them that you’re the perfect candidate for the job before they even meet you and your resume is the perfect place to send that message loud and clear.

To your success,

P.S.  Ready to get real about your resume? If you’re done with having a resume that leaves you glossed over, invisible, and overlooked, I have a special invitation for you.

If you want to learn the step-by-step formula to structure your resume to perfection (without confusion and second guessing), then the Irresistible Resume Bootcamp™ will show you the way. It’s my 30-day group program where you’ll learn how to create a resume that commands attention.

It’s open for enrolment now & I’m inviting you to join in. Click here to learn more & sign up today!

Cindy Harvey is a Career Strategy Coach and Founder of Amelia Dee, a career strategy company for women. Cindy helps corporate career women learn how to make the next phase of their careers the most fulfilling version they’ve ever had.

© Amelia Dee Consulting, All Rights Reserved


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